Share Price:

APNASPENAspen Pharmacare Hldgs16419-6 (-0.04%)

Aspen will be in a closed period from 1 January 2025 until the publication of the Interim Results on the JSE SENS platform on 3 March 2025.

Appointment of Alternate Director

Aspen has appointed Derek Thomas, BCom (Finance and Economics); BCom (Hons) (Economics); MCOM (Economics); MSc (Economics), as an alternate director to Pasco Dyani with effect from 6 February 2007.

Since 2000, Derek has served as CEO of CEPPWAWU Investments (Pty) Ltd, a broad based black economic empowerment investment company (wholly owned by a Trust formed and managed by CEPPWAWU, the major union in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, paper, packaging and printing). Derek has successfully concluded a number of profitable and transformational Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment transactions.

He also serves CEPPWAWU, as a trade union, (by invitation) directly on a number of high-level project committees in the union’s financial arena.

Previously Derek served as a consultant at Letsema Consulting. In this capacity he worked closely with Mercer Management Consulting (an international management consulting company, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA) with whom Letsema had a joint venture agreement.

Derek has diversified project experience, including public sector and parastatal institutional and operational reform, private sector business case development, financial structuring and industrial and enterprise strategy. His experience covers a number of industry sectors and clients, all in a senior capacity. Derek maintains an ad hoc consulting relationship with senior government officials (including DG level) in the ‘Economic Cluster’, especially the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE).

He serves on the following Boards in a non-executive capacity:

  • Transpaco Limited (including respectively strategy, and remuneration sub-committees; audit sub-committee by standing invitation)
  • Barloworld Logistics Africa (Pty) Ltd (including audit sub-committee)
  • Various private company boards within Letsema Holdings (Pty) Ltd.

 Aspen believes that with his qualifications and experience Derek will make a valuable contribution and look forward to working with him.


Closed Period

Aspen is in a closed period from 1 January until the publication of our interim results on the JSE SENS platform scheduled to be released on 1 March 2023.

The live presentation will take place in Cape Town at 08h30 on 2 March 2023.